Omega3 acid is a kind of fat. Unlike other dietary fats, they are good for our heart and circulatory health, as well as other parts of the body. Here’s a quick look at what increasing your omega-3 intake can do for you.
Let’s start with the outside of the body.
The skin is an organ of the immune system. Its appearance and strength are adversely affected by nutritional deficits in the diet.
One of the first symptoms of fatty acid deficiency is excessively dry skin. The skin’s natural moisturizer, called sebum, is composed primarily of fat, but some fats contribute to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, while others have anti-inflammatory activity.
Inflammation of the sebaceous glands contributes to acne. Research has shown that omega-3 supplements provide benefits in acne, because of their anti-inflammatory activity. In other studies, researchers have seen an improvement in the skin’s firmness and structure after three months of supplementation. Firmer skin is less wrinkled, as time goes by.
Now, what does it do for the inside of the body?
A number of diseases are attributed to an overactive immune system. Those include asthma, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and Lupus. Increasing the intake of omega3 acid balances immune system responses.
Research has shown that children whose mothers have a high intake of omega-3s during pregnancy are less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma. Other studies have shown that supplementation reduces the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and lupus.
When it comes to the heart and circulatory system, supplementation may reduce a person’s risk of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Because of the anti-coagulant activity of the fatty acids, there is a reduced risk of clotting, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.
Omega3 acid is good for the brain, as well. One of the major components of brain cells and tissue is a specific omega-3 called Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. DHA deficiencies contribute to depression, learning disorders, attention deficit disorders and abnormal brain development in children.
In one study, researchers found that visual acuity developed faster in infants that got enough DHA in their diet. That’s one of the reasons that most infant formulas are now fortified with DHA.
The importance of DHA to the eyes has to do with an area called the retina. It is a light gathering tissue that is composed primarily of DHA. Some studies indicate that DHA omega3 acid supplementation may reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases, such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
Why does this nutritional supplement provide so many benefits?
It’s simple. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the normal function of the cardiovascular system.
The supplement ensures that there is enough omega-3 in the diet, because it is only available through the food of fatty fish and by supplementation. The body cannot produce the supplement on its own.
Everyone ought to make an effort to insure that their diets include enough omega-3s every day. The effort should be made to choose a varied diet, rather than exclusively sticking to animal sources, which is what the American Heart Association recommends.
Some types of seafood are good choices, but most are not. Consuming them frequently enough is not easy, and it can be expensive. Cheap supplements are actually less expensive than fast food. What’s the point to eating two servings of salmon or a cup of anchovies every day, when you could just take a fish oil capsule instead?
Choose a good supplement, and stick with it. Give your cardiovascular system the dietary oxygen that it needs. You’ll notice that you feel better almost immediately, and you won’t have to worry about the cost.